SMA Foundation and Enzo Life Sciences Inc. Partner to Release New SMN EIA Kit

The Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Foundation is pleased to announce that Enzo Life Sciences Inc. has become its lead partner in the development and distribution of a limited quantity of newly developed assay kits designed to measure Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) protein, the critical protein that is deficient in Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The kit is the result of custom assay development services offered by Assay Designs, Inc., which was incorporated under Enzo Life Sciences on March 12, 2009.

The SMN (human) Enzyme Immunometric Assay (EIA) kit is a complete kit for the quantitative determination of SMN protein in cell lysates of human origin. The assay is currently validated for the detection of SMN protein levels in human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC). Additional protocols are currently under development to measure SMN protein in other tissues and biofluids, as well as in various tissues from animal models. Currently, only the human PBMC protocol has been fully validated, and the SMA Foundation and Enzo Life Sciences will share new protocols as they become available.

The ELISA plate contains 96 wells for sample analysis, with 16 wells designated for standards and 80 wells available for sample analysis. The shelf life of the kit is currently being assessed, but the general recommendation is to use the kits within six months to ensure optimal performance.

The SMA field needs all users to actively share feedback regarding general impressions and report any successes or failures, and in particular, if the kits are used to analyze tissue samples other than human PBMCs. Feedback received will be instrumental in developing additional protocols, expanding the use to evaluate potential therapeutics, and preparing the EIA kit for broader distribution in the upcoming year.

This limited supply of EIA kits for the SMA research community is subsidized by the SMA Foundation to expedite evaluation of the kit for use in therapeutics development. Parties interested in obtaining this kit should submit an order form to the SMA Foundation directly, and will only be charged for shipping of the kits. Orders approved by the SMA Foundation will be sent to Enzo Life Sciences for confirmation and initiation of the shipment process.
Please click here to obtain an order form for the EIA Kit and here to view the Kit Insert. Questions about obtaining the ELISA can be answered by contacting Brett Chung at 646-253-7100 or at